Thursday, January 25, 2007

Who Are You?

In the name of open debate, honest opinion and comment, Kasterborous has maintained a stance since Series 1 of New Who that while the new material is good (let’s face it, the lead performers always do a good job), some of it isn’t quite what a Doctor Who fan or even a generic television fan would expect from the show.

Naturally, I’m talking about the treatment of historical figures (Rose being cheeky to the most powerful woman on Earth), oral copulation with paving stones, the 2012 Olympics and nonsense that was New Earth.

These however are my opinions, and my opinions only – other fans have differing views on Series 1 and Series 2 and how they feel about them in relation to the “classic series” (the BBC’s own divisive term).

Let’s face it; Doctor Who in all of its forms is the best thing ever. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a fan who likes all 43-and-a-bit years of it. The great thing about being a Doctor Who fan is that the show changes, fans change, and not liking all of it is alright - it is not a problem!

So feel free to join the debate in the Kasterborous Forum and offer your thoughts on the best and the worst of Doctor Who’s TV episodes, and remember that although the new series is good, and it’s back soon, the Doctor Who Police don’t operate in these parts…

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