Monday, March 26, 2007


The world is changing. There's no two ways about that. But then that's what it has always done. We just hope it's for the best and try to put our best foot forward to help nudge it that way.

Change, as they say, is a constant part of life. Everything changes, from people, to the weather, to technology. Just a few short years ago the idea that I would be running a Doctor Who website with two friends from the UK would have been the furthest thing from my mind. But as time moves on and things change, the world gets smaller.

Computers are getting smarter everyday, and people are finding more fun and entertaining things to do on computer every minute. Websites used to just be text that you needed a PHD to be able to read, then they got pictures, then style, they audio, then video, live feed and the list goes on!

They even give things fancy names like "Pod Casts." And this is where we will stop for a moment. Christian and I decided some time ago to do our very own Pod Cast, but the road would be a long one. Why? Because I am a bit lazy sometimes, but then that's why Christian is the head editor on the site. He never lets me be lazy for too long.

With that, we did it. We made our first podKast (with a K) and it's right here for your listening pleasure. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ever changing world with us.

By Brian A. Terranova
Christian Cawley is Away

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